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Santa Clara River Project

The Water in the West Project is a collaboration of a grop of photographers whose art shares strong ties to the landscape of the western United States. The Project has generated photographs and essays that address our culture's complex and conflicting attitudes toward water in the arid West. Two books are specific to this project, Arid Waters and A Doubtful River (edited by, and co-authored by Peter Goin, respectively).


The Santa Clara River Project's primary goal is to create a body of work which will contribute to the increasingly urgent dialogue about the future and quality of a vanishing river, unfortunately sustained by a shrinking number of limited natural resources and challenged by development and other forms of encroachment.

At the core of the project is a concern for how water use and perceived needs have shaped our natural and social landscape. The photographs made by Foundation Professor Peter Goin and his Research Associate, Scott Hinton (MFA San Jose State University) will be part of a comprehensive archive (The Santa Clara River Archive). This archive consists entirely of high-quality digital negatives, professionally prepared and managed for all media and Fine Art purposes. This archive can serve as a clearinghouse for ideas and as a structure to encourage collaborative and interdisciplinary work. The ultimate goal is to create resources for public lectures and symposia, and ultimately for publication(s) and exhibitions.

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